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The Ringmaster RC Circus
The Manual Range
Custom 'One Off' Flea Circuses
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About Svensons
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Cigar Box Flea Circuses
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                             Myself (Eric), with my Ringmaster flea circus.

                   Svensons flea circuses was all started by Sven my son.

Sven has been fascinated by the circus and fairs since he first began to talk, he always wanted to own a real circus; Of course he knew this was unlikely but everyone has their dream. Then, one day when he was about 9 years old, he discovered the Flea Circus in an old book, now here was a circus he could really own and be the ringmaster!  

So he set to creating one, and after much experimenting he made his first circus in an old suitcase. It was great and everyone loved it! A few years later he had the idea of making a very small flea circus in a cigar box, and again, everyone loved it, he even stopped people in the street to give little shows!

I am Eric, Svens father. I’m a mechanical/electrical engineer with over 40 years experience in many different aspects of industry. Svens interest in flea circuses slowly brushed off on to me so I left the engineering industry to make the circuses, and of course become the ringmaster of my own show. If I can host Flea Circus shows anyone can! (www.svensons.co.uk)

When I'm not doing shows I work full time creating circuses for other entertainers and collectors. I love making interesting things; When Sven was younger he must of been the only child around with his own fully working half-scale child size Landrover, built by me from scratch (pardon the flea pun!). He even had a child-size suit of Roman Armour made in aluminium, complete with shield spear and sword!
I also do much of the repair and restoration work for Sven on the rides and attractions for his funfair hire business www.yorkshireamusements.co.uk

Over the years Svensons has become the most popular flea circus maker in the world. We're the world’s only full time Flea Circus makers and we're passionate about our 'fleas'. Our range of flea circuses are entertaining audiences all over the world; the UK, USA, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium and even as far as Australia!

Svensons have featured in the press, the radio, the BBC and Sky TV.

Sir David Attenborough and myself while filming "Attenborough's Natural Curiosities"

Click this link to see a clip... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnwnEJcdvsk



One of our customers Marco Assmann of Germany has been on German TV shows so many times with his small mossman he's lost count. Marco's small mossman has made his name in Germany!


Entertainers who use our circuses tell us they are the best flea circuses ever made and love their ease of use. I use a Ringmaster (the prototype) for my shows and it quickly becomes the star attraction of any fair or gala!

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